Monday 28 April 2014

Tutorial Activity (29th April) : PR Campaign On Chosen Hollywood Celebrity.

Campaign Title : Beyonce #OnTheRun

Organised by : Teen Titans Management

1) Information Gathering :

Audience's demographics, psychographics :
  • Target Audience : 13 years old and above
  • Gender : Both male and female
  • Race : All races
  • Location : Malaysia
  • Interest : Music, fashion, lifestyle, outgoing, dancing etc.
Media Consumptions :
  • Television
  • Social Networks
  • Online Streaming Services
  • Radio Stations
  • Print Advertisements

Thoughts/ awareness of the campaign :
  • Interested, motivated, excited etc.
  • How : Social Medias.
Problems :
  • Government Disapproval on religious views > To show Beyonce's adaptability towards the culture.
  • Fans Society may not be as strong as it is compared to other countries > To give more exposure on Beyonce through the media beforehand in order to attract more fans.
  • Money budget/issues > To cut out unnecessary expenditure.
2) Planning :

Strategic plans :
  • To create awareness for the less fortunate (charity campaign) - Advertising, promotions.
  • To spread the importance of tourism in a country (campaign)
  • To increase profit margin
  • To bring out a different image of Beyonce (Adaptability to a whole new culture and rules depending on the country)
  • To attract more celebrities to come to Malaysia under our management
Tactical Plans : 
  • To visit a number of homes (Charity work)
  • To achieve a targetted amount of audience
  • To allow the audience to get updated with the celebrity's lifestyle and news
  • To allow the celebrity to receive more appreciation and love from fans
  • To increase the amout of loyal fans for the celebrity


Objetives :
  • To promote Beyonce's music, fashion and good qualities towards humanity
  • To show a different adaptability of Beyonce towards the differences of culture and lifestyle
  • To create awareness towards the less fortunate (campaign)
  • To increase Beyonce's popularity through media
  • To promote tourism
  • To increase the loyalty of fans in Malaysia

Activities :
  • To have a press conference session (newspapers/magazines)
  • To entertain the Malaysian society (Lifestyle/Leisure)
  • To raise funds for charity (Concert) + Advertising
  • Visits + Talks around Malaysia (Collaboration with local radios)
  • To gives out a different image accordingly to different lifestyles and surroundings
  • To play a part or to participate in charity work in Malaysia
  • Promote to tourism in Malaysia (Media)
  • Merchandise Launch (Exposure)
Communication :
  • Talents - To showcase the celebrity talent live
  • Success - To showcase the success of the celebrity through talents and struggles in order to be on top.
  • Reputation - To increase the good reputation of the celebrity

Social Media Platforms :

  • Facebook - Share advertising posters
  • Twitter - Tweets, hashtags trends and adverts
  • Instagram - Selfie contest
  • Wesbites - Full event information board (Tickets)
  • Youtube - Videos on charity campaigns

The Grand Plan :
  • Concert
  • Charity events
  • Talks (Radio)
  • Press Conference
Evaluation :

With the support from fans and sponsors, our campaign with Beyonce would be a success. In collaboration with radio stations, television companies and the newspaper industry, news would spread rapidly and this ensures that the word does get out. After all, with Beyonce's charming looks and personality, it will definitely attract the nation's attention. The events that we would be having such as visiting homes and donating to charity will ensure the good in humanity and also provide the nation life lessons that the audience can live by. Also, YouTubers such as JinnyBoyTV and DanKhooProductions have thousands of subscribers, this can ensure that Beyonce's concert and events will be a success. Radio stations such as and would be giving out free passes as well as consolation prizes to the audience who participate in the mini contests to spread awareness about the concert. Overall, the media industry would be providing a strong base for Beyonce's arrival and progress throughout her stay here. Loyal fans that have posted on the official Beyonce forum has proven that there will be positive outcomes after proceeding with the campaign.

Activities Timeline :

Blog post by :

1) Editor :
2) Researcher :
3) Writer :
4) Planner :

Saturday 26 April 2014

Tutorial Activity : Class Short Story Activity

As I sat in a room that was purposely built with a silent rule for the conveniences of others, I however could not possibly concentrate on what I intentionally wanted to do. It was the noise that haunts me each time I try to keep my head straight into the amount of work and revisions that I needed to complete. No, it was not those loud banging noises but it instead as it comes by surprise it was the little noises made by people around me and without doubt my surrounding. It was like a series of low volume music playing; trying to overwrite each other.

Although it is suppose to be quiet, it is just not soundless at all. With the people chattering, giggling, messing about to the sounds of pages being flipped, chairs being rolled around, clicking of their mouses and the sounds of people typing onto their devices. It came to my realisation that this was not completely a place where people can find complete silence to themselves. It became an excuse; in a destination form for people to sit there and do things alone but at times with a friend or a group. They sit there either getting their work done, entertain themselves quietly or even just sit there with the accompany of friends. At times there is not even a motive to be there. At times it is only a dissonance behaviour.

Walking out of the room after awhile listening to my surroundings, I notice how this is much just like life; a person's head on a day to day basis to be specific. There is so much voices in our heads because there is so much to think about. It's like being clouded in the mind with every single area or things that we carry responsibilities on. No, the library is not just a simple place where you are required to remain silent but it is a place where you get into thinking because it is like walking into a huge mind; with all the factual books and people. It would only occur to you when you actually sit there and see how people are including what they do. The people there are metaphorically the little things we think about. We do not want to think them but we just can't help it. Especially when they caught out attention so easily. It is life, it is the world's system.

Blog post by : 

1) Reseachers : Shu Faye, Belle, Amy, Alex & Au Yang.
2) Writers : Amy, Belle & Alex.
3) Editor : Shu Faye & Au Yang.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Blog Post 6 : Television

Major TV networks such as ABC and NBC play an important role in media such as advertising. It reaches a bigger audience too. Even so, organizations today can see that there is a general decline in cable subscribers instead, the media today appears to have an increase in broadband subscribership. The fate of these top TV networks in the future is still unclear but there are many reasons why the possibility 
of it being extinct in the next 10-15 years is high.

Technology is progressing fairly quickly nowadays. With all the new ways to utilize the media, you can now watch TV shows without a television by using our wireless devices such as phones, tablets and computers. It also loads in fast speeds which is a main attraction to most consumers. This is one of the first steps towards the extinction of TV networks.

Besides that, most people today go on their laptops to watch videos and TV shows with the help of Internet. Moreover, Internet is free of charge so we do not have to pay every month for our television subscription. 

Other than that, TV ads are expensive, especially from the major TV networks like ABC. Consumers would prefer a free platform where they can advertise their products effectively with a low or zero cost and the World Wide Web offers that.

In conclusion, there is a possibility that TV networks will no longer be around in the near future due to these many reasons. New innovations will then be unveiled to the world of media for the many consumers out there. These innovations such as the Internet will soon become a utility, just like power 
and water.

Social media has played an important role on our relationship with television shows. This is because that many television programmes uses social media to promote their shows. For example, TV programmes will promote a single “hashtag”, and the “hashtag” will trend around the region, country or even worldwide. Social Media has also helped TV programmes in terms of establishing a fan base. This is because fans will usually gather together in social media and therefore using social media as a medium to communicate, share their thoughts to the producer, director of the television programme.
Social media made a great impact on the way we watch television shows. This is because social media sites allow users to update each other on the latest episodes released, this way audiences around the world can easily keep track of the series. Also, social media such as Facebook also play a great impact. Torrent uploaders usually have their own page that people can subscribe to, and with every latest episode that is released, the uploader will update the subscribers regarding the latest information. Also, audiences can share their thoughts and discoveries in social media. But on the negative side, audiences will upload pirated videos on site.

Reality TV series are hard to tell whether they are real or merely just scripted. For game shows, there are a few that come across realistic and some do not. For example, the Masterchef series. It is highly realistic that the contestants in Masterchef have the skills and innovation to produce high class dishes. However, what about Junior Masterchef? The children are from the ages 9-12 years old. People who watch the series for the first time might be very impressed, but is it convincing enough? Can you imagine a 10-year-old boy knowing how to mix and match ingredients, and preparing the dishes equivalent to what they serve in the restaurant? According to research, these children are wannabe actors, not wannabe chefs. The cameras do not actually shoot them cooking. Although this can seem very deceiving, it can bring motivation to younger viewers to achieve their dreams of being a good cook.
Other than that, some of the reality TV shows that show the daily lifestyles of celebrities really make you wonder. For instance, Keeping Up with the Kardashians gives the audience a peek of how they live their life. The problems they face make you wonder if they are just for show or are they for real. It is a well-known fact that problems are inevitable but the problems and conflicts they show in the show are either too cliché or personal. It may be a good motivation for people to achieve money and success like them, however by watching TV shows like this can also make people more materialistic.

Next, reality TV shows that changes the lives of people are really inspiring. One of those include the famous show - The Biggest Loser. These shows have a big impact on teenagers because it teaches them that prevention is better than cure. It shows teenagers how it’s like to be physically unfit, and how important it is to stay healthy and eat the right food while growing up. It gives them a taste of reality and how obesity can be a major problem among citizens. It also shows teenagers how lucky and blessed they are for not having to face health issues, especially obesity. Also, it is a health show for teenagers but with enhanced entertainment because they are able to learn about calories, and how many calories are contained in different food. This can help them to control their daily intake and focus on healthier food like vegetables and fruits. It is a big question if the challenges and problems are fake or real, but it does send a good message to the audience and most of the episodes are very meaningful.
Unlike the others, I truly believe that shows like American Idol, The Voice and Britain’s Got Talent are not scripted. Maybe they are but only a minor part. The parts where I find sceptical are some of the people who auditions for the show that performed horribly. These shows give people an opportunity to have their destiny changed forever, be it an actor, an artist, or a comedian. The comments given by the judges are honest, and they can actually improve as they are getting closer to the entertainment industry. These shows play a huge impact towards teenagers because it shows them that dreams can come true when you pursue them. Artists like One Direction, Lee Dewyze, and Adam Lambert were normal human beings till the shows gave them the opportunity of a lifetime to become an official artist in the music industry. Not only did they inspire teenagers out there, they also set a good impression towards older people. Just like Susan Boyle, she emerges from Britain’s Got Talent and proves to everybody that no matter how old you are, you can actually achieve what you want if you believe and take initiative.

Blog post by :

1) Writers : Shu Faye, Belle & Alex.
2) Editor : Amy.
3) Researcher : Au Yang.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Blog Post 5 : TEENTITANS FM.

Our radio talk show is called TeenTitansFM, and the name originated from our group name. Teen Titans is a superhero team by DC Comics. We have used their name because it represents us – the teenagers of Taylors Lakeside Campus. Our radio channel is suitable for people of all ages, but we focus our show mainly for teenagers. We have a variety of segments in our radio show such as the news, advertisements, pastry, music, weather and so on. We start our broadcasting from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. the next morning, but our hit segments would be broadcasted at night. This is because teenagers would listen to the radio when they are back from university.

Post By :

1. DJs/Voices : Isabelle, Amy, Shu Faye, Alex & Au Yang.
2. Researchers/Script Writing : Shu Faye & Au Yang.
3. Creative Director : Alex.
4. Organizer/Planner : Isabelle
5. Audio/Blog Editor : Amy.